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Appeal of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine to the international community

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Deposit Guarantee Fund suspends participation in International Association of Deposit Insurers until the representative of Russian Federation stays at the head of the organization and the representative of Belarus chairs one of the regional committees.

As you all know, Ukraine is under attack from the invading armies of the Russia and Belarus. This invasion is illegal and brutal, an attack on democracy and a crime against humanity.

The mission of the deposit insurance is to protect the rights of depositors during the crises. Now is the time to safeguard the existence of the free democratic world.

International condemnation from all sectors plays a key role in strengthening the resistance to the existential threat. By speaking out, by condemning these wicked actions on every possible platform, you will not just be supporting your friends in Ukraine. You will be protecting the future of your own communities and your own families.

Help Ukraine to fight for its freedom and the free world.

Thank you for your support.